Featured Video

“Of Wind & Water” by David Hollinden


Chamber Performances


“Shadow Chasers” by Michael Burritt

Performed by the Texas A&M University-Commerce Percussion Ensemble

“Psychopomp” by Caleb Pickering

Performed by the Texas A&M University-Commerce Percussion Faculty

Dr. Brian Zator, Cory Doran, Sandi Rennick, Lauren Teel & Kent Hillman

“Kyoto” by John Psathas

Performed by the North Texas Percussion Collective

Cory Doran, Andrew Veit, Michael Jones, Nicole Robbins & Trey Clark

Solo Repertoire


by Korry Friend


“Prelude No. 1

by Christopher Deane


by Caleb Pickering

“Snap” is a marimba solo commissioned by the Texas A&M University-Commerce percussion studio and Dr. Brian Zator for the compilation book, “The Lion’s Roar.” It was my privilege to record this solo, written by my friend and fellow alumnus, Caleb Pickering. “The Lion’s Roar” can be purchased through C-Alan Publications.


Etude No. 11 from “Douze Etudes pour Caisse-Claire” by Jacques Delecluse

“The Conquering Legions of Rome” by John S. Pratt


Featured Student Performances

2020 was a challenging yet inspiring year at Texas A&M University-Commerce. The percussion students worked diligently to produce quality performances and recordings to share during our COVID distancing protocols.


“Perfectly Voiceless” by Devonté Hynes

“The Gilded Cage” by Susan K. Powell

2020 TAMUC Percussion Ensemble with faculty guest, Cory Doran

“Hook” by Graham Fitkin


The “PRIDE” Marching Percussion

During the 2020 pandemic, the Texas A&M University-Commerce “PRIDE” Marching Band wasn’t able to perform at any live events. However, the percussion section rose to the occasion and put together one movement from an indoor percussion show in place of their 2020 marching season.


“Among the Angels” by Rob Ferguson


Featured DCI/WGI Ensembles

Below are two of my most treasured seasons teaching the front ensemble for

The Phantom Regiment and Matrix Performing Arts


2021 Phantom Regiment Front Ensemble - “Harmonic Journey”

2017 Matrix Performing Arts Front Ensemble - “In Beautiful Isolation”

Valley Percussion Festival Clinic, June 2021

“Efficient and Effective Solo Preparation”